Chicago Tribune review of "Dogs (an iO Harold Team)"
"Up-and-coming improv teams are given stage time before the headliner most nights at iO and, on Thursdays at least, the comparison in skill is something worth seeing firsthand.
The openers I caught last week (the teams Denver and Dogs) offered solid, sometimes inspired moments. (Andy Junk, in particular, of Dogs, jumped out as someone to watch.)..."
Chicago Tribune review of "The Improvised Shakespeare Company"
"Improvised Shakespeare's hearty comedy still fits the bill
For 10 years, the Improvised Shakespeare Company has been blazing an Elizabethan trail through the city's improv scene, where comedy shows rarely see such longevity. The reason it hast did last so long: 'Tis v'ry, v'ry good.
To rhyme is sublime, but a talent more surprising if done while improvising. That means the cast must not only have a working knowledge of Shakespearean tropes and verbiage, but also deliver all of it without pause. And have the result make sense. The play's the thing, to quote, uh, somebody.
It requires performers who can think very quickly on their feet, and creator and director Blaine Swen (who has since moved to Los Angeles but keeps close tabs on the show and comes back to perform once a month or so) has filled the company's ranks with young men who are deeply smart about the many ways to be deeply silly within Shakespearean confines..."
Shoot Online article about “American National Ad Campaign”
“…It was a dream project to work on, and I was equally impressed with our spokesperson (Andy Junk) who nailed every take as did the real American Eagle employees who were all amazing...”
Timeout Chicago review of "Penny the F*ckable Dolphin"
"...Penny, written by Kristina Felske and directed by Megan Johns, wears its goofy heart on its dorsal fin with its tale of a teenage virgin (the terrific Andy Junk, who reminded me of The State–era Michael Showalter) who finds himself telepathically seduced by a flirtatious dolphin who visits him in his dreams while working a summer job at an aquatic park. Aside from the superficial setup, the Annoyance's show bears little resemblance to Brenner's book—which raised the author's ire when he learned of it via a Google Alert, as Brenner detailed in a January 10 blog post...."
Timeout Chicago review of "Melancholy Play"
"...(Mouzam) Makkar delineates a convincing emotional shift, even if Tilly’s motivations aren’t precisely clear; she receives strong support from Andy Junk and Maggie McCally as two of Tilly’s most devoted subjects..."